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- # Jedi Knight MOTHS AI File
- #
- # st_punch.AI
- #
- # StormTrooper punch AI for when gets weapon pulled
- # Medium difficulty
- # Sentry
- #
- # [SRS]
- #
- # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved
- alignment=-1.0, rank=0.5, fov=170, maxstep=0.2, sightdist=5.0, heardist=2.0, accuracy=0.20
- #instinct args
- #BlindFire 1500.0, 0.50, 0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.20
- #p0 - Fire Rate in (msec)
- #p1 - Fire % 0 never 1 allways
- #p2 - Weapon 0 - primary 1 - secondary
- #p3 - MinDot Max shoot angle
- #p4 - MinDist Don't shoot closer than this
- #p5 - ShotError % 0 to 1
- CircleStrafe 6000.0, 30.0, 1.5, 1000.0, 1.0
- #p0 - Freq of Straf Check (msec)
- #p1 - %Yaw change on move (30-45 typical)
- #p2 - Max Dist to attempt Strafe
- #p3 - Update interval (typically 1000msec)
- #p4 - 0 single dir strafe, 1 random strafe
- #Crouch
- #p0 - How long to stand between crouches
- #Flee
- #p0 - Distance considered to be out of danger
- #p1 - Interval to check for new flee dir
- #p2 - Duration of flee in seconds (10s is default)
- Follow 0.0, 0.1
- #p0 - Min Distance to allow
- #p1 - Max Dist to allow
- #p2 - Max Melee dist (rifle/punch combo)
- #p3 - Set to 1 to disable LOS checking (enemy doesn't need to see)
- #ForcePowers
- #p0 - Interval for Force power check
- #p1 - Min Dist for FP1
- #p2 - Max Dist for FP1
- #p3 - Min Dist for FP2
- #p4 - Max Dist for FP2
- #p5 - Min Dist for FP3
- #p6 - Max Dist for FP3
- #p7 - % Interval for FP1
- #p8 - % Interval for FP2
- #p9 - % Interval for FP3
- #p10 - recharge time for FP1 (msec)
- #p11 - recharge time for FP2 (msec)
- #p12 - recharge time for FP3 (msec)
- #HitAndRun
- #p0 - Time after Attack till flee (msec)
- #p1 - Time till reengaging (msec)
- Jump 1000.0, 4.0, 4.0
- #p0 - Time between jump checks
- #p1 - Max jump height (Ai Thinks not Actual)
- #p2 - Max jump dist (Ai Thinks not Actual)
- Listen 0.75, 2.0
- #p0 - Investigate % (0 never, 1 always)
- #p1 - Distance to move from danger?
- #LobFire
- #p0 - Fire Rate (msec)
- #p1 - Min Dot
- #p2 - Min Dist (don't fire if closer)
- #p3 - Max Dist (don't fire if further)
- #p4 - % Error in aim
- #p5 - % use secondary (0 always primary, 1 always second)
- LookForTarget 500.0, 10000.0
- #p0 - interval look (msec)
- #p1 - Time to sleep before check again (msec)
- OpenDoors
- PrimaryFire 1500.0, 0.8, 0.2, 0.10, 0.0, 300.0, 0.60, 1.0, 1.0, 500
- #p0 - Ave Time between shots (msec)
- #p1 - Min Fire dot (1.0 - facing, 0 - 180deg, -1.0 360deg)
- #p2 - Max Dist (wont fire if further)
- #p3 - Error (Error in aim 0-1)
- #p4 - Min Dist (Wont fire if closer)
- #p5 - Ready Time (between wake & first shot in msec)
- #p6 - Lead % (0 -1)
- #p7 - Use Secondary % (1.0 always)
- #p8 - Burst Count (#-1, 0 never)
- #p9 - Burst Interval (time between shots, msec)
- #RandomTurn 10000 1.0
- #p0 - interval for turn (msec)
- #p1 - min dist to see for valid (ave 1 or 2)
- ReturnHome
- #Retreat
- #p0 - Health % (below could flee)
- #p1 - %moral fail (will flee)
- #p2 - time moral checks (msec)
- #p3 - maximum number of times we will retreat before not retreating anymore
- Roam 10000 5.0
- #p0 - How often pick new roam
- #p1 - Radius to roam from home
- #SaberFighting 0.40, 0.225, 45.0, 900.0, 0.25, 25.0, 1100.0
- #p0 - Strike% 0 never 1 continuous
- #p1 - Att1 Range
- #p2 - Att1 Damage
- #p3 - Att1 Duration
- #p4 - Att2 Range
- #p5 - Att2 Damage
- #p6 - Att2 Duration
- #p7 - Att3 Range
- #p8 - Att3 Damage
- #p9 - Att3 Duration
- #p10 - Att4 Range
- #p11 - Att4 Damage
- #p12 - Att4 Duration
- #SenseDanger
- #p0 - min to trigger (0 always)
- #p1 - on sight (nonzero flee if see player)
- Talk 10000.0, 0.10
- #p0 - interval between voice (msec)
- #p1 - %chance of say (0 never, 1 always)
- #TurretFire
- #p0 - fire rate (msec)
- #p1 - turn rate (pitch & yaw, anlges/sec )
- #p2 - Yaw range (0 - 180)
- #p3 - Pitch Range (0 - 180)
- #p4 - Max Dist
- #p5 - Heath min % to cause berzerk
- #p6 - Fire Rate in Berzerk (msec)
- #p7 - Time from Berzerk till death (msec)
- #p8 - %lead chance (0 never, 1 always)
- #Withdraw
- #p0 - interval to check for new dir (typical 5000, msec)
- #p1 - Distance considered as withdrew
- Dodge 0.2, 0.1
- #p0 - how far to get from projectile
- #p1 - scale factor for how much to move